
2024-04-01 22:24
  • release time:2011-03-10?17:00

Insomnia: usually refers to a subjective experience of patients who are not satisfied with the sleep time and/or quality and affect their daytime social functions. Classification by clinical manifestations: ① Sleep latency: more than 30 minutes to fall asleep; ② Sleep maintenance: more than 2 awakenings at night or early awakening in the early morning; ③ Sleep quality: many nightmares; ④ Total sleep time is less than 6 hours; ⑤ Daytime residual effects: dizziness, lack of energy, drowsiness, fatigue, etc. the next morning. Classification by course of disease: transient or acute insomnia, with a course of less than 4 weeks; short-term or subacute insomnia, with a course of more than 4 weeks and less than 3 to 6 months; long-term or chronic insomnia, with a course of more than 6 months. Classification by severity: mild. Occasional, little impact on quality of life; moderate, occurs every night, moderately affects quality of life, accompanied by certain symptoms (irritability, anxiety, fatigue, etc.); severe, occurs every night, seriously affects quality of life, and clinical symptoms are prominent.


Insomnia treatment methods

Treatment (I)

1. Don't be nervous, build confidence, and seek reasonable and effective methods to overcome insomnia. Insomnia is not

For a serious disease, it doesn't matter if you sleep a few hours less in one day or a few days. It can be improved with diet therapy, Chinese medicine, Western medicine, acupuncture, physical therapy, qigong, etc.

2. For secondary insomnia, the focus is on treating the underlying disease or condition that causes insomnia. Generally speaking, insomnia will be cured without treatment once the cause of the insomnia is resolved.

3. The most important thing in the treatment of primary insomnia is to adjust sleeping habits and restore normal biological rhythms. Sleep time varies from person to person, and shorter sleep time does not have much impact on the human body.

4. Generally, insomnia can be cured through treatment of etiology, psychology, and physical relaxation.

5. Commonly used sleeping pills in clinical practice are divided into three categories, namely benzodiazepines, barbiturates and other non-barbiturates. Patients taking sleeping pills should not drive vehicles or operate machinery to avoid accidents. Children should not use them. Elderly patients should use them with caution. People with impaired liver and kidney function should use them with caution. Lactating women and pregnant women should not use them.

6. General insomnia patients can use magnetic therapy to regulate their condition - analgesic sleeping pads, which can promote blood circulation, relieve pain, calm, hypnotize and eliminate anxiety.

The dosage and usage of the above drugs must be in accordance with the doctor's advice. Good sleep is the main sign of mental and physical health. Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder, which refers to insufficient sleep caused by various reasons, difficulty falling asleep, and early awakening. Patients often experience mental fatigue, dizziness, headache, tinnitus, palpitations, shortness of breath, poor memory, and decreased work efficiency.

Patients generally have a longer latency period to fall asleep, shorter sleep time, and more physiological awakenings during the process of falling asleep. Main manifestations: Mild cases have difficulty falling asleep, waking up easily during sleep, and difficulty falling asleep again; waking up too early in the morning. Severe cases have difficulty sleeping all night, often accompanied by headaches, dizziness, fatigue, palpitations, forgetfulness, restlessness, and nightmares. Patients often feel anxious and fearful about insomnia.


Magnetic therapy for physical therapy

Insomnia patients, when observed clinically, often have increased excitability of brain neurons and obvious abnormal discharges during insomnia. Now scientists have discovered neurons that are active in the cerebral cortex during slow-wave sleep (SWA), which may be of great significance for treating sleep disorders such as insomnia and understanding sleep-dependent activities such as emotions and memory. The latest report says that the cortex, which contains a rare group of neurons, is active during natural sleep and recovery sleep after sleep deprivation. A special type of cortical neurons that produces nitric oxide (NO) - a factor that regulates cerebral blood flow - has been discovered, and they are active in the cortex during slow-wave sleep in humans. Therefore, inhibiting the abnormal discharge of cerebral cortical neurons is of great significance for the treatment of insomnia. At this point, the inhibitory effect of drugs is weaker, and the effect of magnetic therapy in this regard is more ideal internationally.

Magnetic therapy is a method of treating diseases by applying magnetic fields to the human body. The magnetic field affects the distribution of current in the human body, the movement of charged particles, the permeability of the membrane system, etc., causing changes in the physiological and biochemical processes of tissue cells, producing analgesic, swelling-reducing, and blood and lymph circulation-promoting effects.

my country has used magnetic therapy to treat diseases since ancient times. In the early 1960s, ferrite magnets were applied to acupuncture points to treat symptoms such as hypertension and arthritis. Up to now, magnetic therapy in my country has entered a multi-level, multi-disciplinary, multi-level and in-depth improvement stage. There are clear demonstrations of the theory, biological effects, clinical indications, methodology, and research on magnetic therapy products. Magnetic therapy has become the main method for treating insomnia. Many medical workers have conducted further research on the mechanism, and a variety of magnetic therapy clothing and magnetic therapy sleep systems are developing to a high level.

The most commonly used magnetic therapy for insomnia is the analgesic sleeping pad, in which the neodymium iron boron permanent magnet produces a biomagnetic field that simulates the characteristics of the human body's magnetic field, with stable performance! It can correct the human body's own magnetic field by acting on the human body, and promote the flow of meridian qi by enhancing the bioelectromagnetic energy of the human meridians, thereby achieving the effect of dredging the meridians, increasing blood and oxygen supply to the brain, and reducing the excitability of the peripheral nerves of the cerebral cortex, producing the effects of promoting tissue metabolism, hypnosis, analgesia, sedation, and blood circulation.

Treatment (II)

You can also try the following methods.

1. Take off your clothes and things from the day before going to bed

We don't go to bed because tension and trivial matters prevent us from relaxing. Remember the advice of psychologists: try to live in the present, don't let your mind be filled with painful memories of the past or unresolved problems in the future. Clear yourself of negative emotions such as anger, grievance and jealousy. Therefore, don't think about revenge plans in your mind at night, it's better to think about something pleasant.

2. Mozart's music and the noise of electric fans - the best way to treat insomnia

Compared with other classical music, Mozart's music is the most effective in curing insomnia. It can normalize blood pressure and pulse and reduce nervous tension. But if you are not a fan of his music, you can also listen to other soothing instrumental music before going to bed.

It's best to have music that includes the sound of waves lapping against the shore, the cries of seagulls - it can make you relax. If all else fails, turn on the fan; the monotonous hum will make you sleepy.

3. Walking the dog

First, interacting with your four-legged friend will greatly reduce nervous tension. Second, whether you like it or not, you have to take it for a walk at night. A half-hour walk before bedtime will do a great job of calming the nervous system. Try to avoid negative emotions and anxious thoughts while walking. All this will give you a peaceful dream.

4. Don’t eat a full meal after 7pm

This is not only good for sleep, but also good for your body. Therefore, if you don’t have enough for dinner, drink some yogurt or eat some fruit.

5. Take an essential oil bath or a sea salt bath

Relax, the water temperature should not exceed 37 degrees Celsius, soak for 10-15 minutes, and then get into bed immediately.

Recommended for you: Practicing Tai Chi can adjust nerve function activities, restore the highly tense mental state, and achieve a balance between yin and yang. Therefore, by practicing Tai Chi to nourish the mind, it can treat neurasthenia, forgetfulness, insomnia, restlessness and other symptoms.

6. Make sure you go to bed on time

If you can do this, insomnia will not be a problem because the body will already "know" it's time to sleep.

7. Reading boring books or watching TV shows is a good way to hypnotize yourself

Before going to bed, quickly fill your brain with things (similar to memorizing a lot of foreign language grammar in one night). An interesting fact: when we feel uninterested and bored, our blood pressure will drop, we will feel listless and want to sleep very much. On the contrary, when we concentrate, we will not feel tired. Therefore, experts recommend that insomniacs should not work or watch interesting programs at night.

8. Eat some caviar or feel the cold before going to bed

You can eat caviar with mustard - this method helps many people fall asleep quickly. You can also try another method, which is a bit cruel but very effective: leave the bed, freeze for a while, endure it for a while, even if you are shivering, and then cover yourself with the quilt. This feeling is as comfortable as putting a hot water bottle in your bed on a cold day.

9. Drink a cup of warm milk or warm honey water before going to bed

Most people will fall asleep sweetly like a child after drinking it. At the same time, insomniacs today, if they use proper dietary therapy, in addition to adverse reactions, they will also have a certain hypnotic effect...

The following suggestions are only applicable to people with mild insomnia in their daily lives. If you suffer from severe insomnia due to illness or long-term sleep problems, you need to seek medical treatment.

10. Eat some millet for dinner

Eating it with dinner or before bed can help you sleep.

Treatment (III)

1. Build confidence first

Don't worry too much about occasional insomnia in life. Believe that your body will naturally adjust and adapt. The human body and mind are very flexible. This article has cited a case where a person who did not sleep for 200 hours in a row was still able to maintain normal physical and mental functions. One or two nights of insomnia will not cause any difficulties. After occasional insomnia, if you don't worry about the pain of insomnia, you will naturally fall asleep when you feel sleepy. The more you worry about insomnia after insomnia, the harder it will be to fall asleep at night.

2. Arrange a regular life

The most effective way to avoid insomnia is to make your daily life regular, develop the habit of going to bed and getting up at regular times, and thus establish your own biological clock. Sometimes you need to go to bed late, but still get up on time in the morning; when you have weekends or holidays, avoid sleeping in too much; sleep cannot be stored, and sleeping too much is useless.

3. Maintain moderate exercise

Exercise for half an hour to an hour every day to flex your body's various organs. However, strenuous exercise should be avoided before going to bed. Some people think that strenuous exercise before going to bed will make the body tired and make it easier to fall asleep. This is wrong.

4. Relax before going to bed

Avoid excessive mental or physical work within half an hour before going to bed. Even if you have an exam tomorrow, never go to bed with a difficult problem in mind. Listening to light music before going to bed can help you sleep.

5. Design a Quiet Bedroom

Try to isolate your bedroom from noise and develop the habit of turning off the lights before sleeping.

6. Keep your bed simple

Develop the habit of using your bed only for sleeping; do not read, make phone calls, or watch TV in bed, because doing other activities in bed often disrupts your habit of sleeping regularly.

7. Eat moderately before bed

If necessary, you can eat moderately before going to bed; foods such as milk, bread, and biscuits are conducive to sleep. Overeating is not good for sleep, and stimulating drinks such as coffee, cola, and tea are especially not conducive to sleep.

8. Drinking is not conducive to sleep

Many people have misunderstandings about alcohol, mistakenly believing that drinking helps sleep. Of course, it is easy to fall asleep after drinking, but the sleep induced by alcohol is not easy to last. Once the alcohol smell disappears, it is easy to sober up, but it is difficult to fall asleep after waking up. Moreover, alcoholics are prone to more serious suffocation insomnia.

9. Sleep-relieving and Depression-Relief Combined Step-by-Step Therapy

10. Eight-flavor Chinese medicine treatment for sleep

Treatment (IV)

Chinese medicine treatment for insomnia

Traditional Chinese medicine has its own unique insights into treating insomnia, and its efficacy is remarkable. Traditional Western medicine methods for treating insomnia and depression often have serious side effects and are easily addictive. Traditional Chinese medicine has the advantage that sleeping pills do not have, that is, it will not cause addiction or dependence. The modernization of traditional Chinese medicine has also allowed traditional Chinese medicine to show its talents in the field of treating insomnia. By selecting natural and precious medicinal materials and combining them with excellent prescriptions for the treatment of insomnia, a large number of high-tech traditional Chinese medicine achievements play an important role in the field of insomnia treatment, such as Jiuwei Shen'an Capsules. , Li's Sleeping Fragrance Patch, Lily and Zizioren Capsules, etc., coupled with the use of psychological and behavioral treatment methods, have achieved very satisfactory results in the treatment of insomnia syndrome.

Diet therapy for insomniacs

In today's world where "medicine is not as good as food", if insomniacs adopt proper food therapy, apart from adverse reactions, they can also have a certain hypnotic effect. Here are some easy-to-make food therapy recipes for you to choose from:

Pig Heart and Jujube Seed Soup 1 pig heart, 15g of sour jujube seeds, 15g of Poria cocos, 5g of Polygala tenuifolia. Cut the pig heart in half, wash it, put it in a clean pot, then put the washed sour jujube seeds, Poria cocos, and Polygala tenuifolia in one pot, add appropriate amount of water, put it on the fire, boil it over high heat, skim off the foam, and simmer it over low heat until the pig heart is cooked. Take 1 dose a day, eat the heart and drink the soup. This soup has the function of nourishing blood (blood-replenishing products), nourishing the heart, benefiting the liver and calming the mind. It can cure palpitations, insomnia, and memory loss caused by heart and liver blood deficiency.

Take 5g of Gastrodia elata, 100g of polished rice, 25g of chicken, 50g of bamboo shoots and carrots, 1 shiitake mushroom and 1 taro, and appropriate amounts of soy sauce, cooking wine, and sugar. Soak the Gastrodia elata for about an hour to soften it, then chop the chicken into small pieces, cut the bamboo shoots and washed carrots into small pieces; peel the taro, wash the shiitake mushrooms with water, and cut them into thin strips. Wash the polished rice and put it into the pot, add the cut dazhu material and sugar and other condiments, cook it over low heat until it becomes thick rice, and eat it once a day for lunch or dinner. This rice has the effect of strengthening the brain and body, calming and promoting sleep. It can cure dizziness, insomnia, dreaminess, and amnesia.

Treatment (V)

Ⅰ. Bioelectric Meridian Health Care Method - Good News for Insomnia Patients

A bioelectric meridian health care method called happiness therapy and green therapy (drug-free therapy) uses the meridian health care practitioner's hand band to stimulate the Baihui on the head, Fengchi and Tianzhu on the neck, Jingming, Tongziliao, Taiyang on the eyes, Zhongchong, Neiguan on the hands, and Yongquan on the feet.

Ⅱ. A new method for treating insomnia: sleep sound wave therapy

Sleeping sound wave therapy uses systematic IMAGINCE digital audio technology, which was developed through more than 30 years of clinical neurological research in the United States. It optimizes the original music and then injects it into your brain, which can put your brain into a deep sleep state and train your brain to fluctuate in the direction of extreme relaxation. Help you improve your sleep and achieve "perfect sleep" all night long.

Sleeping sound wave therapy, a new method of treating insomnia with high-end music technology

1. A type of high-tech music whose musical elements undergo a multi-step modulation process, making the sound quality more calming, affecting, and sleep-inducing.

2. A type of music that puts the brain into the best sleeping state.

3. A type of music that can train the brain to learn how to fall asleep quickly and restore energy.

Sleep Sound Therapy sounds like rhythmic music with some subtle elements added to the sound range. Our IMAGINCE technology allows us to transform rhythmic music into Sleep Sound Therapy with almost no change to the listening experience. Therefore, you will only hear very subtle differences in the sound range. Most people cannot hear non-audio changes; people with musical talent may be able to hear more changes. If you can hear fluctuations when listening to Sleep Sound Therapy, then what you hear is actually the key to successful listening to Sleep Sound Therapy. These differences and subtle fluctuations in Sleep Sound Therapy are very important brain benefits.

III. The nemesis of insomnia - TCM Trinity Balance Therapy

Long-term research on insomnia, depression and other diseases has found that human survival is inseparable from the orderly operation of matter, movement and spiritual will. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, human health is the result of the coordinated operation of essence, qi and spirit in the body. In other words, the orderly operation of essence, qi and spirit is the basis for normal thinking and activities. Any serious deviation will cause pathological changes in the other two aspects. After more than 20 years of exploration, a more scientific and effective treatment method has been summarized - the traditional Chinese medicine trinity balance therapy for insomnia.

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