bad memory

2024-04-01 22:23
  • release time:2011-03-10?17:04

Memory is the reproduction of past experiences, which includes four basic processes: recognition, retention, recognition and recall. Memory loss is the general decline of the above four processes.

Memory loss is one of the specific manifestations of brain aging. There is evidence that memory loss may be a clinical manifestation of the early stage of Alzheimer's disease. In addition to some genetic factors, memory loss can be prevented in the future. To prevent memory loss, we must prevent and treat brain aging.

Neuroacid is an essential nutrient for brain development and maintenance. On the one hand, it is an important component of brain nerve cell membranes, which can restore and promote the formation of neural networks, improve the activity of brain nerve cells, and promote brain cell regeneration. On the other hand, it enhances the transmission of information between brain cells, improves the role of calcium ions, repairs damaged central nerve fibers, promotes the smooth flow of nerve conduction pathways, enables smooth transmission of information, and activates diseased and dormant nerve cells. In this way, the information transmission between nerve cells is faster and more accurate, and the brain vitality is improved. It helps people concentrate, enhance memory, prevent memory loss, and greatly reduce the incidence of Alzheimer's disease.

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Ten ways to prevent memory loss

1. Listening to music more often helps memory. Dr. Lazanov from Bulgaria conducted research on some music based on medicine and psychology, and found that the slow movements in the works of Bach, Handel and others can eliminate brain tension and put people into a meditative state. He asked students to listen to slow music, relax their muscles, and read out the materials to be memorized in time with the beat of the music. After the study, play 2 minutes of cheerful music to let the brain recover from the memory activity. Many students who have tried this method feel that the memory effect is very good.

2. Reciting classics to improve memory. We know that people often recite famous articles, idioms, good sentences, poems, short essays, mathematical formulas, foreign words and technical knowledge when reading, studying or even relaxing. That is a "hard work" to exercise memory. When Marx was young, he recited poems in an unfamiliar foreign language to exercise his memory. Reciting for 10 to 20 minutes every day can also improve memory.

3. High memory efficiency through physical and mental use. Scientifically proven, correct repetition is the main method of effective memory, especially when people use their brain, hands, ears, and mouth to memorize knowledge, the memory efficiency is high and the effect is good. Because when you memorize, you should think with your brain, recite with your mouth, and write with your hands. In the process of learning, you unconsciously mobilize more of your own memory "channels" to participate in memory, which deepens your memory traces and of course the memory effect is better.

4. Use strange ideas to strengthen memory When we study and read books, we often have difficulty remembering some numbers and years. If you are good at associative memory, it will be easier to remember. For example, the pile table and room method, or the Roman room method and the image letter method, are the concrete forms of the associative method. You can use piles or rooms as storage piles for images. The principle is to connect the things to be remembered with the known things. The original things are called "piles", and the new things to be remembered are connected with the piles. This method is used to memorize large amounts of data and foreign languages.

5. Chewing more can improve memory. Scientific evidence shows that chewing is one of the effective ways to prevent memory loss. Some people believe that the reason is that chewing can relax people. If the elderly chew less, the hormones in their blood will be quite high, enough to cause short-term memory loss. If we observe people, we will find that people who chew frequently have good teeth, eat more delicious food, and have better learning and memory abilities. Another example is that Americans love to chew chewing bran.

6. Women's nagging helps improve memory. Nagging, to some extent, helps women prolong their memory and lifespan. Nagging is also repeating something or someone in language. Frequent repetition will certainly deepen the nagging person's attention and memory of something or someone. Experts believe that women are more willing to communicate with others than men; men tend to be silent after entering old age. And speech is an indispensable way of psychological catharsis, which can prevent memory decline.

7. Smart diet helps memory. Taking a proper amount of "healthy fats" can reduce the occurrence of blood clots. For example, olive oil and fish oil are good choices for maintaining normal blood circulation. Vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and minerals are also good choices for maintaining health. Many people do not have poor memory, but lack acetylcholine, a memory information transmitter in their brains. If you eat the above foods regularly, your memory can be greatly improved.

8. People who love to play have strong memory. Physical activities can improve health, while mental activities can reduce memory loss. Especially those who love to play and have activities have a wide range of interests, a wide range of knowledge, and a strong memory. Scientific evidence shows that activities such as dancing, reading, playing cards, and learning foreign languages ??can increase the number of synapses to varying degrees, enhance signal conduction between nerve cells, and consolidate memory.

9. Exercise and fitness can prevent memory decline. Generally speaking, people who are healthy, love sports and love life are energetic, have strong learning ability and memory. When people exercise, they can promote brain self-renewal. Experts believe that long-term cardiovascular exercise can reduce the loss of brain tissue due to aging and alleviate memory decline. Many studies have shown that to keep the brain active, you only need to exercise regularly. School children who exercise three to four times a week generally have higher test scores when they are 10 or 11 years old. Older people who walk frequently perform better in memory tests than their sedentary peers. Exercise can enhance intelligence by inputting extra oxygen into the energy-consuming brain. The latest research also refutes the claim that people can no longer produce new brain cells after birth. On the contrary, the study found that physical exercise can actually promote the growth of new brain cells. In mice, the brain-enhancing effect caused by exercise is most obvious in the hippocampus, which is related to learning and memory.

10. A happy family brings joy to the body and mind and prevents brain degeneration. A large number of social surveys have long proved that a happy family is a necessary condition for learners to improve their learning memory. In particular, the happiness of lovers or couples who love each other will make both parties secrete hormones and acetylcholine and other substances, which is beneficial to enhance the body's immunity and delay brain aging.


Reasonable use of human body clock to improve memory

According to physiologists, the human brain has certain activity patterns throughout the day:

6-8 o'clock: The body has finished its rest and entered an excited state. The liver has eliminated all toxins in the body. The mind is clear and the brain has a strong memory. This is the first best memory period.

8-9 o'clock: Nerve excitability increases, memory remains in the best condition, the heart works at full capacity, energy is high, the brain has rigorous and careful thinking ability, and can arrange difficult tasks.

10-11:00: The body and mind are in an active state, and the enthusiasm will last until lunch. The human body is in its first best state. This is the time when introverts are most creative and can handle any job. It is a pity to waste time at this time.

12 o'clock: All the energy of the human body has been mobilized. The whole body is mobilized and needs to eat. At this time, people are still sensitive to alcohol. After a table of wine at lunch, the work of the second half of the day will be greatly affected.

13:00-14:00: After lunch, you feel sleepy. The excitement of the first stage during the day has passed, your energy has faded, and you enter the second low tide stage in the 24-hour cycle. Your reactions are slow and you feel a little tired. You should take proper rest, preferably a nap of half to one hour.

15:00-16:00: The body is getting better, the sense organs are particularly sensitive, and the spirit is high. Tests show that long-term memory is very effective at this time, and some content that needs to be "permanently memorized" can be reasonably arranged for memory. Work ability gradually recovers, and this is the time when extroverts are most active in analysis and creation, which can last for several hours.

17:00-18:00: Work efficiency is higher, and physical strength and endurance for physical activities reach the peak of the day. Experiments show that this period is a good time to complete complex calculations and relatively mentally demanding tasks.

19:00-20:00: The body's energy is consumed, emotions are unstable, and you should rest.

20:00-21:00: The brain becomes active again, the response is quick, and the memory is particularly good. The best memory period of the day is until just before going to bed (and it is also the most efficient). 22:00-24:00: Sleepiness comes, the body prepares to rest, and cell repair work begins.


Two ways to improve memory

1. "Eating". Yes, eating can also improve memory. This is also recommended by scientists. Eating some foods rich in phospholipids can supplement the brain's memory needs, such as fish heads, walnuts, peanuts and other plant seeds or cores, and health products such as bee pollen and royal jelly also have some special effects.

2. "Practice". Good memory is acquired through practice. Even world-class memory masters have developed super memory through acquired training. Generally, there are three more effective training methods:

(1) Speed ??reading (also called whole-brain speed reading and memory): Speed ??reading is a memory training method based on fast reading. In fact, the two are carried out simultaneously and complement each other. Don’t think that if you read faster, your memory will be worse, because it is not the logical memory of the left brain consciousness that is relied on, but the image memory of the right brain subconsciousness, which is 1 million times stronger than the former. Friends who have undergone speed reading and memory training know that the faster the speed, the better the memory. For detailed learning materials on this, I recommend you to go to the "whole-brain speed reading and memory" section of the Quantum Secret website to study carefully;

(2) Image method (also called associative memory): Image method also uses the image memory function of the right brain, and uses the imagination of the right brain to connect the relationship between different images, thereby turning it into a memorable story to achieve ultra-large capacity memory. Regarding associative memory, I recommend you go to the Quantum Secret website "Potential Development" - "Whole Brain Speed ??Reading Memory" - "Memory Technique" sub-section to download the "Complete Collection of Memory Technique Materials Recommended by World Memory Master (Yuan Wenkui)" (this is the method used by world memory masters);

(3) Mind mapping (also called mind mapping): Mind mapping is a great invention. It can not only help you systematize and visualize the information in your brain for memory purposes, but it can also help you analyze problems and make overall plans.


Factors that affect memory

The enemies of memory—stress and anxiety

Severe emotional crisis and stress will not only affect memory, but also lead to physical and mental imbalance, making people feel very depressed and casting a shadow on their spiritual life. For example, it is often difficult for people who have been robbed to correctly describe the appearance and characteristics of the criminals. Even if they can describe some of them, they are not completely accurate. Generally speaking, in this situation, people usually focus their attention on the criminals' weapons and how they can escape. At this time, the pressure of survival is too great, and people's ability to remember the criminals carefully is greatly reduced, and some even drop to zero. Psychologists have said that moderate stress can promote memory. Mild stress can help people realize their potential better than no stress at all. For example, it is not good to have too much pressure to enter school, but it is also not a good thing to ignore it. Everything will turn into the opposite when it reaches its extreme. "People without pressure feel light and fluttery", and they can't do anything well either. Some people are prone to emotional tension and anxiety, and they often express pessimistic and negative sentiments. People who always hold negative thoughts are likely to ignore the positive and active factors in life. "Depression" often makes people fall into the abyss of pessimism and cannot extricate themselves. They indulge in the past and are full of fear about the future. This state directly leads to their attention being continuously reduced, the ability to concentrate is constantly weakened, and the ability to remember is of course gradually declining.

Sleep and memory

Many of our inspirations come in the morning after a good sleep. Sleep can relieve brain fatigue and produce oxygen-containing compounds needed by the brain, making full preparations for thinking and memory after waking up. Moderate sleep provides material preparation for memory and creation, especially the rapid eye movement sleep stage, which plays a positive role in promoting memory consolidation. In December 2000, the American journal "Nature-Neuroscience" published a new discovery of Harvard Medical School: people who stay up all night before the exam can't remember the content they need the next day. Researchers found that people who have a good sleep after learning and practicing new things can remember more the next day than those who stay up all night after learning the same things. Staying up late will damage memory. Some people often stay up late or even study all night, but the effect is not high. If you lack sleep or take antidepressant drugs that can reduce rapid eye movement sleep, you will feel tired, dizzy, dizzy, panic, loss of appetite, etc., which will lead to poor alertness, bad mood, and affect memory. A large number of facts have proved that having enough sleep and maintaining a natural cycle of wakefulness and sleep is the most reliable way to promote memory development for a long time. To get a deep and good sleep, it is best to avoid eating before going to bed, do not do strenuous exercise, do not read for a long time, do not think about too many problems before going to bed, and do not rely on sleeping pills.

Disadvantages of bad habits

Drinking too much A moderate amount of alcohol can help people eliminate fatigue and activate the body. However, for memory, alcohol is harmful and has no benefits. Drinking too much will not only bring various troubles to life, but also lead to partial memory loss. Due to the paralyzing effect of alcohol on brain cells, temporary memory loss is likely to occur. When alcohol is broken down in the human body, the B vitamins required for brain activity will be consumed in large quantities. Severe alcohol poisoning will damage nerve cells, causing hallucinations or mental disorders. More seriously, it can even lead to schizophrenia. Many people think that drinking is necessary for life, but remember that it should be based on the premise of not harming your health. Smoking

Smoking Many researchers have shown that smoking accelerates memory loss. When people continue to smoke in middle age, their memory is more impaired. The latest research shows that heavy smokers, that is, smokers who smoke more than 15 cigarettes a week, have worse long-term and daily memory than ordinary people.

Healthy nutrition improves memory

Japanese chemists have reportedly discovered that a group of enzyme inhibitors in Japanese rice wine have a memory-enhancing effect. These enzyme inhibitors can effectively inhibit the activity of the enzyme proline endopeptidase (PEP) in the brain, and excessive activity of this enzyme can reduce memory. According to the Los Angeles Times, proper consumption of substances containing natural neurochemicals can enhance intelligence and may also prevent brain aging. These foods that help memory include fruits and vegetables, fish with high fat content, sugar, vitamin B, etc. Nutrition and health experts have also found that some common foods in daily life are very beneficial to the brain, such as nuts, whole wheat bread, tofu, pumpkin, egg yolk, grapefruit, deep-sea fish, liver and meat. People and students who have been engaged in mental work for a long time may wish to use them frequently. Mnemonics For mnemonics, because both the left brain (because coding is required) and the right brain are used, it is a combination of the left and right brains (this is Nanada's left and right brain division of labor picture

This view is also the view of many European and American memory researchers). The Shichida method emphasizes using the right brain to directly turn text into images! The image reading method is to first use the soft eye to quickly capture the text into the subconscious mind (one page per second), and then use the method of picking and asking questions to activate the subconscious text. In other words, it is a change from the traditional way of reading with consciousness first, but to use the subconscious mind to do the work first, and then use the consciousness to enjoy the results! The Lazanov Super Learning Method uses rhythm and music to create the optimal state of the subconscious mind, thereby achieving very good results!! In a word, some emphasize image memory, while others emphasize the function of the subconscious mind!!!

Other effects of memory loss

(1) Lack of energy; (2) Easy fatigue; (3) Low immune function; (4) Decreased sexual function; (5) Lack of interest in life; (6) Joint or muscle pain; (7) Fear of cold, wind, heat, things, and annoyance; (8) Isolation; (9) Stubbornness.

Here are 10 ways to improve your memory:

1. Pay attention to memory as long as the focus, dedication, exclude distractions and outside interference, the cerebral cortex will leave a deep memory traces and not easily forgotten. If the mind is scattered, one mind and two intentions, it will greatly reduce the efficiency of memory.

2. Strong interest If you are not interested in the learning materials and knowledge objects, it will be difficult to remember them even if you spend more time.

3. Understanding memory Understanding is the basis of memory. Only when you understand something can you remember it for a long time. It is not easy to remember it by rote memorization. For important learning content, if you can combine understanding and memorization, the memory effect will be better.

4. Overlearning means remembering the learning materials several times to achieve the level of being familiar with and remembering them.

5. Review in time Forgetting is fast at first and then slows down. Strike while the iron is hot and review and consolidate the knowledge you have just learned in time, which is an effective way to strengthen memory traces and prevent forgetting.

6. Frequent recall When studying, constantly trying to recall can correct memory errors, make up for omissions, and make the difficult parts of the learning content more firmly remembered. Frequently recalling the objects learned in the past in your spare time can also prevent forgetting.

7. Combining audio and video: It can use the language function and the functions of visual and auditory organs at the same time to strengthen memory and improve memory efficiency. It is much better than single silent reading.

8. Various means: Depending on the situation, flexibly use classification memory, chart memory, shortened memory, outline making, note-taking, cards and other memory methods to enhance memory.

9. Best time Generally speaking, 9-11 am, 3-4 pm, and 9-10 pm are the best times for memorizing. Using the above time to memorize difficult learning materials will have a better effect.

10. Use your brain scientifically. On the basis of ensuring nutrition, taking active rest, and doing physical exercise to maintain your brain, using your brain scientifically, preventing excessive fatigue, and maintaining a positive and optimistic mood can greatly improve your brain's working efficiency. This is the key to improving memory.

Three steps to improve memory

How to improve memory? Many people are confused about how to improve memory. Is it really that difficult to improve memory? To improve memory, we can achieve it through the three steps of how to improve memory.

How to improve memory in three steps (Part 1)

The meaning of memory

What is memory? Scientists believe that memory can be divided into short-term memory, medium-term memory and long-term memory. The essence of short-term memory is the repetition of the brain's immediate physiological and biochemical reactions, while medium-term and long-term memory are structural changes in brain cells that establish fixed connections. For example, how to ride a bicycle is a long-term memory. Even if you haven't ridden for many years, you can still ride a bicycle and run. Medium-term memory is an unstable cell structure change. Only by repeatedly consolidating the song and the boxing, can it become a long-term memory. Short-term memory is the largest and most unstable memory. A person only retains 1% of his memory every day.

How to improve memory in three steps (Part 2)

Now that we understand that memory needs constant review to be consolidated, we can start to master the tricks of enhancing memory from both material and technical aspects. In terms of material, we should eat more foods that are beneficial to improving memory, such as celery, walnuts, sesame, lean meat, etc., which are rich in zinc, phospholipids, and certain unsaturated fatty acids.

How to improve memory in three steps

Foods that improve memory

Improving memory skills is actually about following the physiological laws of memory.

First, you should listen attentively, think and absorb in class to acquire deeper short-term memory.

Review the lesson on the same day after class; consolidate and organize the lesson after a few days when the memory begins to fade. It is a joy to learn and practice it from time to time. Review it every one or two months in the future. In this way, short-term memory can be turned into medium- and long-term memory, and the best memory effect can be achieved in the least time.

Second, it is best to review the lessons you want to remember in a quiet environment in the morning or at night.

Experiments have shown that 6-10 pm and 6-8 am are the best times for memory. At the same time, you should concentrate and not be disturbed or interrupted by other things. Do not recite while listening to the walkman. This is because when the brain is working, only one center is allowed to be in an excited state. If there are several excited points at the same time, you will definitely be absent-minded or distracted, which will greatly reduce the memory effect.

Third, be relaxed and don’t be nervous when memorizing things.

When you are nervous, the secretion of norepinephrine increases, which is the enemy that damages mental concentration and memory. On the contrary, in a relaxed environment, the posterior pituitary gland secretes vasopressin, which is very beneficial for enhancing memory function.

Fourthly, you can make up some rhymes to organize and outline the knowledge, so that the knowledge can form a memory system and network, so that the memory effect can be increased through association.

For example, if you want to remember the names of the eight great writers of the Tang and Song dynasties, you can first remember the eight surnames of Han, Liu, the "Three Su", Ou (Yang), Wang, and Zeng, and then it is easier to infer all the names, etc. Fifth, try to understand the content to be memorized. The so-called understanding, from a physiological point of view, is to incorporate your knowledge into the memory network and establish a deeper fixed connection. Memorizing things that you don't understand is a waste of memory and you won't remember them firmly.

Fifth, moving your eyeballs left and right can effectively improve memory. If you want to recall something quickly, just move your eyeballs left and right for 30 seconds, and you will get a good result. This is because horizontal eye movement allows the left and right hemispheres of the brain to communicate with each other, which is crucial for rekindling people's memories.

Key words:?
