Ways to keep healthy: nourishing the spirit

2024-04-01 22:28
  • release time:2011-02-16?16:54

Pension insurance | The way to maintain health is to nourish the mind first


There is a poem in the ancient medical book "Shou Shi Bao Yuan" that says: "Cherish your energy and preserve your essence to nourish your spirit, think less, have fewer desires and don't work too hard." The general meaning is: if people want to live longer, they must first restrain their energy and preserve their essence to nourish their inner spirit. Indeed, "nourishing the spirit" is an important part of health preservation. Only when the spirit is healthy can one truly live a long life.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that essence, qi and spirit are the three treasures of the human body and are the internal factors for curing diseases and prolonging life. Essence and qi are the material basis of spirit. When essence and qi are sufficient, spirit is strong, and when essence and qi are deficient, spirit is weak. Spirit is the external manifestation of the entire life activities of the human body, that is, the mental state and thinking activities of the human body. The spirit occupies a primary position in the human body. Only with the existence of the spirit can all life activities of the human body exist. Ancient health preservationists emphasized that "a strong spirit will lead to a long life." The "strong spirit" mentioned here actually means a healthy brain spirit. Only when the brain spirit is healthy can it dominate life activities, organ coordination, limb movement, and five sense organs, and the whole body is in a normal physiological state of yin and yang balance. Therefore, full essence, full qi, and full spirit are the basis of health and longevity, and the key to regulating essence, qi, and spirit is to nourish the spirit.

Throughout the ages, doctors, Taoists, and health experts have attached great importance to mental conditioning, and the role of mental treatment and psychological health. They believe that the key to health preservation is to eliminate distractions. Keeping a simple and focused mind and following the laws of nature can achieve the purpose of health preservation. They believe that "those who are good at health preservation do not worry about their minds or their bodies. When their minds and bodies are at peace, how can disasters come?" The famous doctor Shi Tianji wrote a song called "Disease Elimination": "People may be born with weak qi and blood, and they will not be happy and get sick." Once the disease occurs, the heart should be happy, and the disease will be cured. Heart disease can be cured by heart medicine, but if the heart is not happy, it is useless to take medicine. Come and sing my happy song, it is the elixir of immortality?"

The spirit can only be gained, not lost, and should only be calm, not chaotic. If the spirit is hurt, the spirit will be weakened, and the weakened spirit will cause forgetfulness, insomnia, and dreaminess; if the spirit is not at home, it will go crazy, and even faint. The way to calm the spirit is to be moderate in the seven emotions. Joy, anger, worry, thought, sadness, fear, and shock each have their own rules and should be stopped in moderation. "Joy hurts the heart, anger hurts the liver, thought hurts the spleen, sadness hurts the lungs, and fear hurts the kidneys." If the five internal organs are injured, the spirit will be scattered, and the spirit will be scattered, and the mind will be weakened, and the mind will be weakened, and various diseases will arise. The above three are interrelated. They are mutually causal. Modern medicine has also confirmed that 50% to 80% of human diseases are caused by excessive mental tension, such as hypertension, tachycardia, neurasthenia, etc.

Regarding health preservation, Chinese medicine has the saying that "medicine is not as good as food, food is not as good as essence, and essence is not as good as spirit". The so-called nourishing the spirit mainly refers to paying attention to mental health. It is necessary to be quiet and harmonious, clear-minded, open-minded, calm and gentle, and never complain about the world or get impatient. "Having a regular daily routine is to nourish the spirit". If people only pay attention to health preservation and strengthen dietary nutrition, but do not know how to nourish the spirit and are not good at nourishing the spirit, it is difficult to achieve health and longevity. Since ancient times, countless examples have shown that people with narrow minds and who are obsessed with personal gains and losses are rare to live past the age of seventy, while those with open minds and optimistic moods can often enjoy a long life. If "you take wine as your drink, take nonsense as your normal, go to bed drunk, exhaust your essence with desire, and dissipate your true self, do not know how to keep full, do not control your spirit from time to time, and only care about your heart, go against life and enjoyment, and have no rules in daily life, so you will decline at the age of fifty". The road of life is bumpy and unsatisfactory. Especially after people enter old age, their social roles, interpersonal relationships, health conditions, personality and emotions will change. If they cannot control their "spirit" well, they may often feel lonely, depressed, lost, inferior and other negative mentalities. From the perspective of health preservation, whether the elderly can maintain a good personality, optimistic mood, noble cultivation and a happy mood in their later years is of great significance to longevity. Therefore, while paying attention to "nurturing the body", the elderly should pay more attention to "nurturing the spirit" and "regulating the spirit".

In short, traditional Chinese medicine focuses on the spirit. The fullness and depletion of the spirit are related to a person's health and longevity. Health preservation should nourish the spirit. If people can follow the ancient teachings, cultivate virtues, cultivate sentiments, and strengthen their brains and minds, they can enjoy a "natural" life. (China Medical News)


The most important way to maintain health is to strengthen the brain

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "annoyance is the house of the soul", and the brain is the place where the essence and the gods are highly concentrated. Human vision, hearing, smell, feeling, thinking and memory, etc. are all due to the function of the brain, which shows that the brain is an extremely important part of the human body. Organs are the key to life. Brain-building is the key to fitness. Brain-building methods generally include the following aspects:

1. Knowledge and mental health. Annoyance is the marrow sea, and the kidney governs the essence and generates the marrow. If the kidney essence is full, the marrow sea will be abundant, so accumulated essence can strengthen the brain. The way to accumulate semen lies in abstinence. Zhang Jingyue, a famous medical scientist in the Ming Dynasty, said: "Those who are good at maintaining health must protect their essence. If the essence is abundant, the qi will be strong, and if the qi is strong, the mind will be healthy. If the spirit is strong, the body will be healthy. If the body is healthy, there will be fewer diseases. The spirit will be strong, and the old man will be strong. All of them are based on the essence. also."

2. Qigong strengthens the brain. Practicing Qigong can give full play to the subjective initiative of the mind and greatly stimulate the self-regulation function of the brain and body. There are many qigong exercises, many of which are aimed at replenishing and strengthening the brain. It is best to have a qigong master guide you for specific exercises.

3. Yishen nourishes the brain. The brain hides the spirit. If the spirit is happy, the brain will not be damaged; if the spirit is tense, the mood is restless, and the mind is confused, the brain will be damaged. To nourish the mind, you must pay attention to moral cultivation; if you are open-minded and generous, indifferent to desires, do not worry about gains and losses, do not pursue fame and fortune, and are leisurely and contented, and enjoy helping others, it is conducive to nourishing the brain; if you are narrow-minded, care about everything, and your emotions are easy to move , causing organ qi and blood dysfunction and disease. Therefore, if you want to strengthen your brain and maintain your health, you should pay special attention to this.

4. Take food to nourish the brain. Analyzing ancient and modern brain-boosting prescriptions, they generally nourish the liver and kidneys, replenish essence and blood (such as cornus, rehmannia glutinosa, polygonum multiflorum, wolfberry fruit, dodder seed, quince root, Eucommia sichuanensis, achyranthes root, angelica root, etc.), replenish vitality and vitality. Blood vessels (such as astragalus, ginseng, salvia, etc.) are mainly used to resolve turbid phlegm and clear the orifices (such as Acorus, Polygala, Poria, Alisma, etc.). Clinical application should be based on the principle of syndrome differentiation and be targeted. The ground preparation is better. In addition, food supplements such as sesame and animal brain are also available.

5. Prevent disease and protect the brain. According to clinical reports, Alzheimer's disease currently accounts for 10% of people over 65 years old, and the trend is increasing year by year. Research has found that the aluminum deposition layer in the brain tissue of patients increases significantly, and is often accompanied by iron deficiency anemia. To prevent this disease, you can appropriately reduce the use of aluminum tableware, especially do not use aluminum products to store acidic, alkaline or salty foods and dishes for a long time.

6. Movement refers to benefiting the brain. All sports are beneficial to health, but most of them are not direct. Calligraphy, painting, Tai Chi, etc. all have in common the connection between hands and brain and full concentration. The hands and brain are most closely related. my country's fitness ball exercise (that is, using two small balls to continuously circle each other in the hand) focuses on hand-brain coordination and has a good brain-building effect.


Six methods of TCM to nourish and strengthen the brain

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the brain is the foundation of the spirit, and a strong spirit means a long life. It has accumulated a lot of valuable experience on how to strengthen the brain, nourish the brain, and cultivate the spirit. In summary, there are the following methods:

1. Nourish the mind and strengthen the brain: Ancient health experts believed that "the mind is at peace, the life is prolonged, the mind is gone, the body is scattered, so it is necessary to take good care of it." How to nourish the mind? The first is "not to hurt the mind". We should avoid all kinds of damage to the mind, that is, the excessive stimulation of the seven clears (joy, anger, happiness, thinking, sadness, fear, and shock). The second is "the mind wants to be always quiet". The quiet here is not absolute. "Quiet means quiet movement, not motionlessness." Sima Qian said: "If the mind is not used, it will be useless. If it is used too much, it will be tired. If it is tired, it will be insufficient. If it is used, it will be refreshed. If it is refreshed, it will be alive, and the spirit will be sufficient." He also said that "it will be exhausted if it is used too much." Reasonable use of the brain helps to strengthen the brain and improve intelligence. The third is to avoid mental depression. The ancients said: "The spirit is to stretch. The human spirit likes to stretch and hates depression. Depression hurts the spirit and causes great harm." We should not be depressed and nervous in spirit, nor should we be calculative, worry about gains and losses, but be open-minded, calm, optimistic and calm.

2. Have a regular daily routine: The famous doctor Zhang Yinan pointed out: "A regular daily routine is also a way to nourish the mind." This means that a regular daily routine can help to keep the brain healthy. It is necessary to work and rest in moderation and rest on time. Lack of sleep will definitely affect the brain, but sleeping too long is also wrong. Health experts believe that "if you sleep just enough, your mind will be calm and your energy will be sufficient, which is very beneficial." If "you sleep too much, your body will be weak and your spirit will be dull," it is not good for brain health and will harm your health.

3. Control sexual desire and consolidate sperm: The kidney is closely related to the brain. Brain activity depends on the nourishment of kidney essence. Zhang Jingyue, a doctor in the Ming Dynasty, said: "Those who are good at health preservation must treasure their essence. When the essence is full, the qi is strong, and when the qi is strong, the spirit is full." This shows that only by controlling sexual desire can we consolidate sperm, and only by consolidating sperm can we strengthen the brain and the spirit, and delay the aging of the brain. On the contrary, "too much desire will make the mind dim", which will lead to premature aging and a variety of diseases. Proper control of sexual life is also very important for nourishing the brain and keeping fit.

4. Breathing and health preservation: The so-called "breathing and health preservation" refers to breathing in the essence. "Exhaling" means exhaling turbid air (carbon dioxide) through the mouth, and "inhaling" means inhaling fresh air (oxygen) through the nose. The "Inner Canon" points out: "Take the weather and you will be able to communicate with the spirit." This means that the brain and breathing are closely related. Absorbing clean and fresh air can provide the brain with sufficient oxygen supply, which can make people feel comfortable, clear-minded, and increase their intelligence, thereby achieving the effect of strengthening the brain and the whole body. When operating, pay attention to breathing gradually and slightly harder, and the breathing will be adjusted naturally.

5. Exercise promotes the mind: The Record of Health Preservation and Prolonging Life points out that "resting can nourish the mind", moving can refine the body, being able to move and be still can lead to longevity." This shows that the way to keep in good health should be a combination of movement and stillness. In fact, people have long been accustomed to walking back and forth freely when thinking about a topic, so as to promote blood circulation, strengthen brain function, and improve thinking ability. Some old people hold two walnuts or iron balls in their hands and move them, which is connected to the "heart governs the mind" through the Laogong point in the palm of the hand, thus playing a role in strengthening the brain and the mind. In addition, practicing Tai Chi, Wuqinxi, Baduanjin... can all exercise deep faith and increase intelligence.

6. Food supplements benefit the brain: "Food nourishes the body", and the role of food nutrition in improving brain power is self-evident. Since Sun Simiao in the Tang Dynasty vigorously advocated food supplements and food therapy, doctors of all generations have accumulated extremely rich experience in this regard. "Lao Lao Heng Yan" advocates combining brain-boosting foods with rice to make porridge for consumption. Such as longan porridge, jujube porridge, lotus seed porridge, etc.


Tips for keeping your brain healthy: Chatting is like doing brain exercises

After a busy day at work, chatting appropriately is good for your physical and mental health. Bing Xin, a famous Chinese female writer who died at the age of over 100, once said: If you often chat with others, you will feel better, which is probably a way to keep healthy!

Chatting can make people have a healthy mentality. Psychologists believe that humans have at least 20 psychological needs. Chatting can meet some of these psychological needs and make people happy. Chatting with peers can help people recall the past, "the glorious years are thick", talk about the courage, love, joy of victory and excitement of success in the past, and the beautiful "passing smoke" can arouse the emotion and excitement of peers; chatting with teenagers, the vigorous vitality of "the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning" can infect the middle-aged and elderly, and the young psychology will come unexpectedly; chatting with friends of the opposite sex, the masculinity of men and the gentle beauty of women can play a "nourishing" and "fitness" role in the psychology of middle-aged and elderly people.

Medical experts believe that the first thing that happens when people age is that their brain cells and brain capacity decrease. Chatting helps stimulate the growth of brain nerves, and improves the logic, sharpness and accuracy of thinking and language expression. Chatting frequently is equivalent to doing brain exercises.

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